Other Specialties

To protect health, both in women and men, a correct lifestyle is first and foremost essential.

Quindi mangiare sano, fare movimento e attività fisica quotidianamente, non fumare, non bere alcool, non fare uso di droghe, è sicuramente la vera “prevenzione primaria”, che ci permette di ridurre l’insorgenza di malattie, ostacolando le cause e i fattori predisponenti delle varie patologie, quindi facendo si che un uomo e una donna sani, mantengono il suo stato salute.

At CIFS we take care of you already from this first phase: we have specialists who can help us lose weight, with personalized diets, as well as giving you information and advice on correct lifestyles that can influence your fertility, your personal, psychological and sexual well-being.

La prevenzione secondaria invece consiste attraverso screening specifici nella diagnosi precoce di malattie patologie spesso ancora asintomatiche, allo stadio iniziale, in modo da trattarle precocemente e spesso guarirle.

Al CIFS abbiamo la possibilità di effettuare test di screening multipli specifici per varie patologie dell’uomo e della donna, nelle varie età della vita con specifici specialisti.


Dr. Cilotti Antonio


Dr. Musetti Laura


Dr. Carignani Giulia


Dr. Silvestri Flavia


Dr. Vidali Sofia

Dott.ssa Guaglianone Maria Concetta

Dr. Guaglianone Maria Concetta

Dott.ssa Tizi Caterina

dott.ssa Tizi Caterina


Frequently asked questions


Why are HPV and Pap tests important?

For the prevention of cervical cancer we carry out a Pap test every 3 years from 25 to 33 years old, and an HPV test every 5 years between 34 and 65 years old.

When should I start breast checks?

The test used for breast cancer screening is mammography after the age of 40, while breast ultrasound is recommended after the age of 35 or in case of family history of this neoplasm.

to the gynecologist, 1st stage for prevention for women?

An annual gynecological check-up, with pelvic ultrasound, is the first step for gynecological prevention for women at different ages of life, from adolescence to old age.

Why visit a dermatologist?

The skin is the largest organ of the human body and represents the first barrier between our body and the external environment. The dermatological examination, which includes the evaluation of the skin, genitals, nails and hair, often allows an immediate and non-invasive diagnosis of many pathologies (oncological, immune-mediated, infectious and genetic) which can originate directly from the skin or represent a "signal" of an underlying systemic disease, without neglecting cosmetic and aesthetic problems that can have a strong impact on our quality of life. The dermatological examination can be carried out by a dermatologist at any time in life: from the newborn to the elderly.