
Acupuncture is a technique of traditional Chinese medicine that has been used in the East for more than 2000 years to treat all kinds of pathologies. According to the principles that inspire it, physical health is nothing more than the mirror of the emotional state of the subject, from which the function of the individual organs derives. By now the international scientific community has welcomed and promoted this discipline as a medical art in all respects, and numerous scientific tests have confirmed its effectiveness.


Dr. Mascherini Vittorio


Dr. Devecchi Mauro


Frequently asked questions


What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a medical, non-pharmacological therapy with no side effects that can be used alone or in association with the main pharmacological therapies in medicine.

How does acupuncture work?

The action of acupuncture is based on the ability to stimulate, through the insertion of filiform needles, peripheral receptors which in turn send signals along afferent pathways towards the cortical brain area. In response, the brain increases or decreases the production of large chemical mediators. To date, the response has been demonstrated with respect to endorphins, serotonin, histamine, endogenous opioids and many other mediators that are currently the target or purpose of pharmacological therapies.

Does acupuncture have side effects?

Acupuncture is one of the medical therapies with the lowest percentage of side effects, it is in fact present among others in the physiological pregnancy guidelines of the Ministry of Health, demonstrating its absolute safety even during pregnancy. Among the rare side effects, small bruises can occur in the insertion area, slight tingling that quickly resolves itself and in even rarer cases vagal syndromes.

Is insertion of the needle painful?

The insertion of the needle is not painful in itself, it is always advisable to rely on acupuncturists with at least five years of experience behind them so that they have refined the technique allowing you a pleasant experience free of any form of pain.

We look forward to seeing you!

How long does an acupuncture treatment last?

The time of a session varies between 20 and 30 minutes in which the needles are left permanently in a comfortable and quiet environment, the sessions generally have a weekly frequency, the number and frequency of the sessions are decided by the doctor in consultation with the patient.

Who practices acupuncture?

In Italy only graduates in medicine and surgery and authorized to practice the medical profession can further train in acupuncture. Those who practice acupuncture without a medical degree commit the criminal offense of abusing the profession. You can check the names on the website of the National Federation of Surgeons and Dentists, under the registry entry you will find the doctor's profile and the acupuncture entry.